Costumes Series

Published by C. G. Henderson & Co.
Costumes of America (Copyright 1852)
Costumes of Europe (Copyright 1852) by a "Traveller Through Europe"

Aunt Fanny's Amusing and Instructive Stories about the Nations of Europe and America: Descriptive of the People, Manners and Customs by Aunt Fanny appears to be a combination of both Costume books. It was published in 1854 and 1857.

Two formats:


Cloth. Various colors. Gilt illustration of a book specific man and woman on the cover. Square. 16 mo. (4.5" x 5.75")
24 engravings. 50 cents.
With colored engravings. 75 cents.
By 1858 they were priced at 37.5 cents each but special editions with colored plates cost 50 cents.