Cheap Sunday School Library, No. 1

Published by Ira Bradley & Co.
1. Alice Haven
2. Annie Lyon
3. Blood of Jesus
4. Cain and Abel
5. Dreaming and Doing
6. Diary of the Sun
7. Dream of Heaven
8. Factory Girls
9. Frank's Work
10. Frank's Little Friend
11. Frank's Little Meeting
12. Fisher Bill
13. George Rowland
14. Henry Minturn
15. Hoyt's S. S. Speaker, No. 1
16. Hoyt's S. S. Speaker, No. 2
17. Irish Mission Scenes
18. Jessie at the Spring
19. John Leonard
20. Lost Half Crown
21. Little Jerry
22. Little Apple Blossom
23. Little Conqueror
24. Miles Lawson
25. Maurice Guilford
26. Our Father
27. Our Dear Eddie
28. Power of Faith
29. Prairie Flower
30. Rag Picker
31. Robin the Runner
32. Stolen Gold Piece
33. Stella
34. Bound Boy
35. Believing Tradesman
36. Lime Burner
37. Forty Acres
38. Young Sergeant
39. Heart and its Inmates
40. Bound Girl
41. Parables
42. Child Jesus
43. Tabernacles
44. Taking a Stand
45. Nevers
46. Sowing and Reaping
47. Sunday School Concert
48. Willie Wilson
49. Yes or No
50. Violet

This library was published by Ira Bradley & Co. in the early 1880's. The books are all reprints.

Cloth. Black and gold cover. Sold as a boxed set.

Although the box within which the books were sold is labeled, the books themselves do not note anywhere that they are part of this library. Thus, even though many of these titles have been seen, it is unclear whether the books visualized are part of this library.