Cheap Sunday School Library, No. 2

Published by Ira Bradley & Co.
1. Aunt Rebecca's Charge
2. Aunt Lewis
3. Bernice, the Farmer's Daughter
4. Capt. Russell's Watchword
5. Court and Camp of David
6. Carl's Home
7. Digging a Grave with a Wine-Glass
8. Elm Grove Cottage
9. Earthen Vessels
10. Every Day Duties
11. Eleanor Willoughby's Self
12. Faithful in the Least
13. Finding Shelter
14. Froggy's Little Brother
15. Father Muller
16. Frank Wentworth
17. Gathered Sheaves
18. Heart's Delight
19. Harry Maitland
20. Hetty's Hopes
21. Isaac Phelps, the Widow's Son
22. Jessica's First Prayer
23. Jimmy's Shoes
24. Kept from Idols
25. Bertie's Birthday Present
26. Little Meg's Children
27. My Little Corner
28. Ned's Search
29. Not Forsaken
30. Old Sunapee
31. Old Distillery
32. Susan's Osgood's Prize
33. Faithful Son
34. Family Doctor
35. Farm on the Mountain
36. Old Sailor's Story
37. Golden Work
38. Golden Fruit
39. Golden Life
40. Golden Heart
41. Newell Boys
42. Squire's Daughter
43. Tom Carter
44. Tom Green
45. Whole Armor
46. Young Apprentice
47. Lost Will
48. Waiting Hours
49. Wayside Services
50. Wee Donald

This library was published by Ira Bradley & Co. in the early 1880's. The books are all reprints.

Cloth. Various colors. Black and gold cover. Sold as a boxed set.

Although the box within which the books were sold is labeled, the books themselves do not note anywhere that they are part of this library. Thus, even though many of these titles have been seen, it is unclear whether the books visualized are part of this library.