Cozans' School Toys; Fourth Series

Published by Philip J. Cozans
Good Childs' Present
Good Childs' Book of Animals
Good Childs Book of Birds
Instructive Stories for Good Children
Boys and Girls Casket

Other titles are not known. In addition, I have not seen any books or advertisements that note the first, second or third series.

Some of the titles have an address on the verso of 122 Nassau Street. This is an 1861-1867 address for Cozans. In addition some of these books have been seen with a "Franklin Toys" title page. Thus most likely this series was published after the Franklin Toys Series in the late 1850's. Whether all the titles in that series were changed and placed into this series is unknown.

Wraps. Various colors. Common cover of several children in a yard. Every page has a black line drawn picture with text. 12 pages not including the covers. 6" x 3.875".