Dame Wonder's Transformations
Dame Wonder's Series of Colored Books

Published by Edward Dunigan
History of a Little Drummer
History of a Little Traveller
History of the Little Sailor Boy
History of Animals and Birds
History of Miss Rose
History of Master Rose
History of Mary Goodchild
History of a Little Orphan Girl
History of How a Little Boy Became Lord Mayor of London
Amusing Alphabet
Multiplication Table

Three formats:

Edward Dunigan first published this series of twelve books in 1843. At that time they were known as Dame Wonder's Transformations. Each page has a cut out for the face which is actually on the last page.

Subsequently the “transformation” books were replaced with other books with the same titles and contents.

Wraps. Book appropriate cover picture. 4.25" x 7"

Dame Wonder's Transformation Book

Wraps. Eight pages not including the covers. Each page has an colored illustration and text. This is also a "Transformation Book"
It is unclear whether it predated or postdated the book above.

Note the faces are the same on the right side (and the left side) with the rest of the page's illustration changed.

Format 3