Edward Greey's Japanese Series

Published by Lee and Shepard
1. Wonderful City of Tokio by Edward Greey (Copyright 1882/ title page 1883)
2. Young Americans in Japan by Edward Greey (Copyright 1881/ title page 1882)
3. Bear Worshippers of Yezo by Edward Greey (Copyright 1883/ title page 1884)

Edward Greey wrote three books about Japan that were part of the six volume Trophies of Travel Series. These books were not advertised as being in a series after 1884 but by 1887 the three Greey volumes were noted as "Edward Greey's Japanese Series".

Here is a trade card for one of these books.

There were two formats seen. Cloth and board covered. Various pictorial cover designs and illustrations. There are numerous illustrations/ photographs within each book. 9" x 7".