Flowers for Children (2) by C. E. K. Davis
Hide and Seek Series
Playmate Series

Published by D. Lothrop & Co.
1. Benny the Newsboy
2. Billie's Good Friend
3. Brave Donald
4. Daisy Lost and Daisy Found
5. Frisk
6. Grandpa's Girl
7. Nettie's Christmas Party
8. Talking Portraits
9. Rose's Dream
10. Two Babies
11. Dotty
12. Disobedient Walter

The "Flowers for Children" Series, "Hide and Seek Series" and the "Playmate Series" have the same twelve titles.

"Hide and Seek Series" was introduced by D. Lothrop & Co. in 1879.
Chromo. Limp 18 mo.
None of these books have been seen.

"Flowers for Children" series was introduced by D. Lothrop & Co. in 1881.
Chromo covers. Limp. 18 mo. There is a picture and story on each page.
None of these little books which sold for ten cents each have been seen.

"Playmate Series" was introduced by D. Lothrop & Co. in 1881. It was published into the 1890's.
Cloth. Square. 18 mo. There is a picture and story on each page.

Two formats of cloth bound books for these titles have been seen which are part of this series. Note that six of the titles were also part of "Dotty's Picture Library" but that format has been identified.
No priority between the formats has been determined.