Highland Series

Published by Robert Carter and Brothers
1. Who Won (Copyright 1872)
2. Mabel Hazard’s Thoroughfare (Copyright 1874)
3. Doors Outward (Copyright 1875)
4. Brentford Parsonage (Copyright 1875)
5. Comfort Strong (Copyright 1876)
6. Moore's Forge (Copyright 1877)

Although she is not mentioned, Sarah Stuart Robbins wrote the titles in this series. The title page notes "by the author of the "Win and Wear" Series".

These books were released as non series books until shortly after "Moore's Forge" was published in 1878 at which time they were combined into this series.

The first editions by Robert Carter & Brothers note a title page date one year later than the copyright date.

Note that the formats of these titles was the same before and during the series publication.

Cloth. Various colors. Black line decoration on the cover. Gilt lettering on the spine. 6.75" x 4.75".
Frontispiece is the only illustration.