Intermediate Sunday-School Library
by Harriette Newell Woods Baker

Published by Ward & Drummond

This library is a combination of three series that were previously published by Ward & Drummond.
Pearl Series
Gem Series
Minnie and Her Pets


Pearl Series (for Boys) (Harriette Newell Woods Baker)

1. Pearl of Love
2. Pearl of Charity
3. Pearl of Obedience
4. Pearl of Penitence
5. Pearl of Hope
6. Pearl of Patience

Pearl Series (for Girls) (Harriette Newell Woods Baker)

7. Pearl of Faith
8. Pearl of Diligence
9. Pearl of Meekness
10. Pearl of Forgiveness
11. Pearl of Contentment
12. Pearl of Peace


Gem Series by Madeline Leslie

1. Gem of Faithfulness
2. Gem of Generosity
3. Gem of Truthfulness
4. Gem of Earnestness
5. Gem of Self-Control
6. Gem of Courtesy
7. Gem of Perseverance
8. Gem of Courage
9. Gem of Self-Denial
10. Gem of Temperance
11. Gem of Uprightness
12. Gem of Neatness


Minnie and Her Pets by Madeline Leslie (Harriette Newell Woods Baker)

1. Minnie's Pet Parrot
2. Minnie's Pet Cat
3. Minnie's Pet Dog
4. Minnie's Pet Pony
5. Minnie's Pet Lamb
6. Minnie's Pet Monkey


The Pearl Series and the Gem Series are sold as a 24 volume boxed set. Cloth. 18 mo.
The Minnie's and Her Pets Series comes in a separate box.