Kitty Kent Library

Published by D. Lothrop Company
1. Triple "E" by Mrs. S. R. Graham Clark (Copyright 1884)
2. Evening Rest by J. L. Pratt (Copyright 1872)
3. Tip Lewis by Pansy (Isabella MacDonald Alden) (Copyright 1867)
4. Kitty Kent's Troubles by Julia A. Eastman (Copyright 1884)
5. Mrs. Hurd's Niece: Six Months of a Girl's Life by Mrs. Ella Farman (Copyright 1876)
6. Margie's Mission by Marie Oliver (Copyright 1884)

No details about this series are known. Ward and Drummond published the six book set in 1884. It is unclear when Lothrop began the series. For certain D. Lothrop Company published the library in 1887.

All of the books had been previously published and were parts of a number of other series.

The editions of this library have not been seen.