Little Folks Series-earlier

Published by McLoughlin Bros.
1. Babes in the Wood
2. Diamonds and Toads
3. My First Alphabet
4. Little Bo-Peep
5. Dame Trot and Her Cat
6. Jack and the Bean-Stalk
7. Sing a Song of Sixpence
8. Story of the Three Little Pigs
9. Five Little Pigs
10. Old Mother Goose
11. Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe
12. Three Bears

First published in the early 1870's.

There was another Little Folks' Series that was published in the 1890's.

14 pages including the covers.

Wraps. Book appropriate illustrated cover. 7.25 x 5.75.

By the 1880's these titles were published in a 4 to. Size. (6" x 8")