Marks' Colored Toy Books

Published by The Sprague Publishers
The History of the Children in the Wood
House that Jack Built
Ladder in Learning by Miss Lovechild
Goody Two Shoes
Dame Trot and Her Comical Dog
Little Dame Crump
Old Mother Hubbard and Her Dog
Little Red Riding Hood
Whittington and His Cat
History of Johnny Gilpin
Life and Death of Cock Robin

This twelve book series was published by numerous firms.
These books were originally published by J. L. Marks, a London publisher, in the 1830's and 1840's.
The latest edition by Marks was identical to the "Sprague" edition shown here.

Wraps. Various colors. Eight pages, not including the covers. Colored illustrations. 7.125" x 4.5"
This series was published by all four of the "Sprague firms".

To date these books:
Gray & Sprague, Albany 388 Broadway/ 51 State Street 1850
Gray, Sprague & Co. 51 State Street 1851-1854
Sprague & Co. 51 State Street 1854-1857
Wm. B. Sprague, Jr. 1858-1863

Gray & Sprague

Gray, Sprague & Co.

Sprague & Co.


Wm. B. Sprague, Jr.