Our Boys and Girls Series
Edited by Oliver Optic (William T. Adams)

Published by Lee and Shepard
Album V. 9 (January-June, 1871)
Cabinet V. 11 (January-June, 1872)
Companion V. 5 (January-June, 1869)
Favorite V. 1 (January-December, 1867)
Mirror V. 12 (July-December, 1872)
Keepsake V. 8 (July-December, 1869)
Museum V. 10 (July-December, 1871)
Offering V. 17 (July, 1875-December, 1875)
Repository V. 7 (January-June, 1870)
Souvenir V. 18 (July-December, 1875)
Story Teller V. 2 (July-December, 1867)
Treasure V. 6 (July-December, 1869)

These books contain various stories by Oliver Optic and others. They are basically bound copies of Oliver Optic's Magazine. The magazine issues which any one of the above books contains is noted in parentheses after the title.

I have not seen many of these scarce books. The ads and reference books note that "Souvenir" covers July-December, 1875. Clearly this is not the case since the "Offering" (which is below) has those issues. The dates for Souvenir will be edited when they are known.

9.5" x 6.5"