Parley's Fireside Library

Published by James Miller
1. Parley's Merry Stories by Peter Parley (Copyright by James Miller in 1869)
2. Camp-Fires of the Revolution by Henry C. Watson (Illustrated by Croome)
3. Parley's Thousand and One Stories by Peter Parley (Copyright by James Miller in 1869)

This series was first published by James Miller in 1869. Titles #2 and #3 are reprints. Miller as well as a number of other publishers printed Watson’s book prior to its inclusion in this series. Books with the 522 Broadway address were published prior to 1867 and are not part of this series.


Two formats. The earliest books note the 647 Broadway address on the title page. These are pre-1876 editions. The later books have the 779 Broadway address on the title page. These are post 1877 books.

Format 1: This format has been seen with both addresses.
Cloth cover. Picture of a man on horseback on the cover. (Some are embossed with no color whereas others are in black. The embossed without color horseman is the earlier book.) Gilt letter boxes on the spine. 7.5" x 5"

Format 2: Cloth. Various colors. The "Arc" cover with black decorative pattern. (Seen in 1880-1882 editions) Spine has gilt letter boxes. (Later editions have the lower spine letter box indicating the series name in black.) 7.5" x 5"