Young Folks' Trophies of Travel Series

Published by Lee and Shepard
1. Wonderful City of Tokio by Edward Greey (Copyright 1882/ title page 1883)
2. Young Americans in Japan by Edward Greey (Copyright 1881/ title page 1882)
3. Our Boys in India by Harry W. French (Copyright 1882/ title page 1883)
4. Drifting Around the World by Captain Charles Hall (Copyright 1880)
5. Our Boys in China by Harry W. French (Copyright and title page 1883)
6. The Bear Worshippers of Yezo by Edward Greey (Copyright 1883/ title page 1884)

This series was introduced in 1882 with books #1-4. In 1883 volumes #5 and #6 were added to complete the series. Later in 1883 the series was noted in ads to only include the Greey authored books. By 1887 the Greey books were part of the Edward Greey Japanese Series.

There were two formats seen. Cloth and board covered. Various pictorial cover designs and illustrations. There are numerous illustrations/ photographs within each book 9" x 7".