Young People's Library

Published by D. Lothrop & Co.
(1884 list)
1. Johnny's Vacation by Mary E. N. Hathaway
2. Governor's Pardon; or, The Bridge of Sighs by Mrs. Madeline Leslie (Harriette Newell Woods Baker)
3. Live and Learn by Mrs. Madeline Leslie (Harriette Newell Woods Baker)
4. Breach of Trust by unknown
5. That Boy at Newkirks by Lizzie Bates

This library was introduced by D. Lothrop & Co. in 1884 with five titles.

1. Signet Ring; and its Heavenly Motto by I. Deliefde
2. Illustrated Science by Anonymous
3. That Boy by C. E. K. Davis
4. Robbie Meredith by Mrs. J. J. Cotter
5. Mabel Howard by Dame Durden
6. Double Story by George Macdonald
7. Snow Family by Maria Bruce Lyman
8. Little Mother and Her Christmas by Phebe McKeen
9. That Boy of Newkirks by Lizzie Bates
10. Three of Us by Heckla

In 1887 the "Library" had ten titles with only one the same in both years: "That Boy at Newkirks"

These titles were all in various Lothrop series.

Two formats for this series have been seen:

Cloth. Various colors. Gilt letter box and floral cover design.

Cloth. Various colors. Cover picture of flower and a man in a rowboat.