Presentation Series

Published by Hurst & Co.
1. Andersen's Fairy Tales by Translated by H. L. Duklcken
2. Arabian Nights by Anonymous
3. Grimm's Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm
4. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
5. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
6. Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Wyss

Added in 1902

7. Child's History of England by Charles Dickens
8. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb
9. Palmer Cox's Fairy Book by Palmer Cox
10. Tom Brown's School Days by Thomas Hughes
11. Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
12. Mother Goose Complete by Anonymous

Added in 1904

13. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll
14. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
15. Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
16. Helen's Babies by John Habberton
17. Peck's Uncle Ike and the Red-Headed Boy by George W. Peck
18. Tales from Scott for Young People

Format 3 list: (1910-1919)

1. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
2. Andersen's Fairy Tales
3. Arabian Nights
4. Black Beauty
5. Grimm's Fairy Tales
6. Gulliver's Travels
7. Mother Goose Complete
8. Pilgrim's Progress
9. Robinson Crusoe
10. Swiss Family Robinson
11. Tom Brown's School Days
12. Uncle Tom's Cabin

Series was first published with six volumes by Hurst & Co. in 1895.
In 1900. in 1902 there were twelve volumes. By 1904 there were 18 volumes.

Format 1 (1895-1900). Volumes #1-6
Cloth. Various colors. Gilt cover circle within which is the title. Cover illustrations of deer and sailboats which are common to all the volumes. Spine with gilt letter box and illustration of palm trees. 9" x 6".

Format 2. Beginning in 1901 with six volumes and continued until 1909.
By 1904 there were eighteen books in the series

Cloth. various colors. Each volume has a book specific cover and spine illustration. Gilt spine letter box. 8 vo.

Format 3:
Beginning in 1910 and ending in about 1919 there were 12 books in the series.
Cloth. Various colors. Each cover has two book specific illustrations and the title in gilt.
Spine has got lettering and a book specific illustration.